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The Evil o fEvils, Or the the wifeft of Phylolophers, they would have Maid as they did concerning Paul, What new ? What orange Doctrine is this ? And fo it is like it bath, been unto all thole who have no other rule to, judge of things by, than carnal Reafon and Sénce. Thofewho are not acquainted with the mindof God, revealed in his Word; they perhaps have orange thoughts concerning all that bathbeen delivered; and think I have been but an hyperboler al thiswhile : but certainly thole that judgof things according to the word, they fee that there is a realitie in all that hath been delivered, and they juflifie the Word ¡in all; yea, they juflifle the feveritie of the word againfl fin, when they fee it even againfl themfelves, for their own fins ; that's a good Ggn, when the heart of a man or woman, doth ¡not onlie juilifie the word ingeneral, but when ithe word comes moll; powerfullie, and fharplie, C lagainfi his own fins ; yet he lies under the power 'of the Word, and faith, Tt is good, and holy,and 'righteous, the word of the Lord ; though it (peaks bitter things againfl his own fins. There ;aremany men and women that have fome Teem- ing goodaffections, and fome tendernefs of fpi- rit, and would feem tomeltat a Sermon, when fome truths be delivered to them : but when the feveritie and<ltriélnefsofGods Juflice, in the 'word is prefented before them, their hearts file otf; and they feem to be veriehard things. We have a notable example for this in Luke 2o. if you read in the aeriebefore, you (hall find the people fpokenof, were much furred, withma n viral