Exceeding sinfulnefl of Sin. ny things heard ofin the Word : but in the 16. verte, when Chrift told them he would come and detr:.y thole hufband-men that had ufed . themefhengers f:.) ill that were Pent for fruit, and theKings only Son too : HeThal conne and defiroy thofe Hzasbandmen, andgive the Vinyard unto others; andwhen they heard it they fail God forbid Oh God Forbid that there fhouldbe fo much feveri- tie : thofe people,inthis particular,difcovering a fligh'tnefs of fpirit; that though they were people that feetned to have tender hearts, and weremuch flirr..ed, and their hearts melted at Tome truths delivered': well but yet when they heard of the leyere Judgments againft evil men; Oh they had morecotnpaf on in them than God !had, & laid, God forbid that things fliould be Co ¡hard ; What? is not God a merciful God ? and we hear of nothing but feverity. ; that' there fhould be filch feveritie inGod, utterly to de- ftr`cy, God forbid. Thus people now a daies, when they hear Arguments of Cods goodnefs, andmercy, their hearts be ready to melt and ytild, and they be affected, and flirred; but when they hear the feveritie of Gods Jufticea- gainft fin, Oh thenGod forbid that there [hould' be filch hard things, God forbid there things fh-uld be true. Certainly Brethren, you can- not have any true melt ings ofSpirit wrought in you, nor work ofCods Sanctifying Spirit, unlefs you (-rid finch a principle in your hearts,as fhould" caufeyou to fall down and tremble, and yeild' unto the "J'ufiiceofGod, and theíeverity of the Word:againft fin:;; except you find.a,willingnefs to 457