458 The Evil ofEvils , ; : r the to jufkifie God and his Word in all Ehe feverity' that hedoth reveal againft you inyour own tins. I hisis the Fifth. PtAMMAikf f,AtAIIIAA ,WWWiffiiMAVVVV$ C tit Ap. LVII. Life 6. *there befomuch evilinfits, its the - ferable condtiot of thore trhofeheartsaid lrvves are filledwithfin. Ufe V I. ]l NotherUfe is this, Iftherebe fomuch evil in fin, Then wbat amifcable condition are thofe in thatie -fulloffen, w fe heartsandlives arefilled upto the trim, to the very top, exceeding full offn. Is thereall &his evil (that I have fpokenof) in the nattire ofSin? inone fix? (as you haveheard) fuch dreadful evil in the leafs fin ? Oh Lord, what a condition are thofe in (b fay) that are guilty ofan infinitenumberoffins ? It is faid, Feeler; 9.3. The hearts ofmenarepillofevil, full of fin : it is trueofall theEons and daughters of men in the world, that their hearts be full offin. A toad is not fo full ofpoyfon as theheart of e- veryman and woman in theworld is full offin : and that which thou art full of, is fuck an abo- minable thin;; in theeyes of God, as you have heard : yea, and as theirhearts are full offin, fo they be fully fet to do evil, Ecclef:8. i i. Becaufe Sen-