Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Ex, ceding Sintu nee'i ofSin. 5e+ fence again fi, aneviacr4 it not f ieediy executed,' .herefore the hearts o the f ice, of men are fully fit rrt them todeevil this is true or all ; in their natu- ral condition, their heartsare full ofevil, and their hearts are fully fet in them todo evil. All the ad-ions that ever thou dida do, all the thoughts of thy mied, and the words of thy mouth; all the ad-ions of thy life, ever fince thouwert born, hathbeen nothing el fe butfin, ifthou be in thy natural eft te. This we dare avow,and (peakas in the .prefenceof God, That everyman and woman not yet converted, had never any thought, never fake word, never didany aaion in all their lives, hut they finned againft God. AndifSin be f oevil, what an evil cafeare tiv,re men in, whobe fo full of tin ? in all that ever they did in all their lives, yea, their bell anions; how'full offinbe thofe ? and howntit.erableistheircondition, in that regard,' who have given up themfelves to follow Sin with'greedinefs? Are therenot Tome ofyoube- fore theLord, whoreconfciencescannot but tel you that youhavegiven up your felves to fol low the lu'ls of your own hearts with greedi nefs ? t , fatisfie them to the fL ill'? and all your griefbath been, that you could fatisfie them no ore this 'bath been the condition of m:ny who have lived in aceurfeoffin all theirdaies ; yea,, and it may be againft confcience alibi who have been guilty, not onlyofmultitudes of min, but guiltieoffuchmultitudes withwoful aggra- vations, as againft light, againft means, againft vows-: Certainly ifSinbe fuch anevil in its own nature, 459