460 The Evil of Evils, Gr the nature, though but any one if God fhouid; fret but the leaf} fn, but of thought, upon al mans heart as he may do, he would fink the ffouteft heart down to the bottomlefsguiph of defpair ; thenwhat will become ofthee ifCod cone to fettle all thy abominations upon thy heart altogether ? The Floodsofungodly men(faith David, Pfal. i8. 14.) hath made me afraid : The word Men there, is not in the Original ; but tranflated by Tome, The floods of srickednef have mademe afraid. Certainly if God diftover the floods ofthole wickedneffes that your confcien- ces may tell you,you have been guiltie of it can- not but makeyou afraid : ifGod come, and fret all thofe fins in order before thy face, it will be a mofi dreadful Objef and Spe&acle. Let me make ufeof that Phrare, Yob, 6. 12. Ismyfirength theflrenpthof Hones? andmyflefh ofBrap So may I fayunto thole whohave fuch woful guilt offin upon them; What is thy firength the flrength ofbones, and thy flefh of brays ? that thou canfr bear the weight and burden of fo many, and fuch horrible tranfgrefhons as thou haft been guiltieof? . when thou heareft that there is fo much evil in one fin, and that in the leaft Sin. We reade, Leviticus, i6. 22, 24. of the Scape Goat, that when Aaron and his Sons the Priefts fhould come and layhis hands upon it, and put the Sins ofthe peopleupon him, he was to go into the Wildernefs, into a defolare place a- mong the wildbeafts there; to note the woful condition ofa Sinner that hath the guilt ofmul- titudes;of, ilisupon him; when he is like that Scape t -411111111