Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnef?of Sin. _ 461 Scape Goat to go into the Wildernefs among wild beafis readie to tear him. Thy condition is worfe, except thou art delivered from the guilt of fn ; I fpeakofone under the g'.iilt of tin , it is like to be worfe with thee, thou art in aworfe condition, than if thou wert to live a- mongTigers, and Pears, and Dragons, readie to tear thee Certainly thy effate is far worfe. If thy bodie were full of fores , thou wouldeff think thy condition very fad, it would caute much dejection ofSpirit; but for thy foul to be full ofSin, tohave fo much Sin, is worfe than if thou hadeft plague fores upon thy bodie from head to foot. Ifyou fhould fee a man, all over from the crown ofthe head to the foal of the foot, full ofplague fores, yoli would think that man in a fad condition : Certainly the fiate of every man unconverted, is far worfe, becaufe he isallover full ofSin, that bath fo much evil in it. As for that Do&ring ofthe fulnefs ofSin in the heart fi nd life ofman, that will require another and larger Treatife by it felf; therfore I do not intend to fall upon that Marine, how man is full of Sin in his heart and life; that may' be ,donehereafter : but only for the ,prefenr,. to. prefent this !!!`editation beforeyou; If foinnch ¡evil be in every Sin, theta the fulnefs ofSin muff needs put min or woman in an evil and fad.': condition : 1 fal.73. IC God faith, Hewill wring cut to the tricked- afull cup ofznratl.?, to thole full of Sim. J' b,,<c.` i t.. there it is fpokenofthe wic-. kedTand_ ungodly, That their:bones arefull ofth% f ns pIhh of li