rZ 1l.te Lvii of Evil. , i.r tide of theiry'otuh thy life is full of i u, tIly tone may be full of the fins of thy yoush m_an\ uvhs, yong people, runon in great iniguiue, to the timesof their youth; and multiply fins andad Sin to Sin : 4vvell, know that thy youthful tins, may prove thy- ages terror; and thou that art fofull of Sins when yong, and givenup toall of°in row, hereafter thy bones may be full of theSins of thy youth. Thus much for this Life likewife, becaufe that it would require a Doctrine by it felf. 1 proceed to another. :+'. , '. e ìy:it 't' t l l2 LL: ! 11 Ylyf/' T éS k ` Í Y i,'''" --",',F,, i;? .'i'ç .,ÿtif ?.` ,,-'n,r ^ ïxñ.. CHAP. ti-VIII. Life 7. ifthe'e befomuchevilinfix, , hozodre f ida. thing it isfor menor women to delight infin. Life V I I. F there be fo much evil in fin as you haveheard, mark then tur- ther what follows : What adread- id thing is it far men and wimn to delight infin, and efiyc±infinfulwaier, temake afpo't of fn: What nfinite impudency is this for a Creature tomake merry and rejoyce in Sin againti God ? Hatt thou nothing tobemerry withal ? i?a(i thouno- ,thing to rejoyce in but finning againfi theAl- mighty ? What ? thall there be fomuch revea- led to thee concerning thedreadful evil of thy fins,, and yet you fo far from being convinced, that