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Exca:er,+-'nslrcs that there is fo much, evil in it, as v oü rather lock upon it, as having more good in it than there is in . God himfelf, and Chrift, and -eaven , and all the glorious things of eter- nal life ? for fo loth everie man and woman that makes anie finful way theirchief joy; I fay, they are fo far frombeing convinced of fomuch evil in it, as hath beendeclared, as that theydo rejoyce in it as if there weremore good in it, than there is inGod himfeif, or Chrifk, or anie thing revealed in the ord concerning the trea- fares ofthe richesof the gram. ofGod in Chrift this is horriblewickednefs it is anhorrible evil in thy heart, that filch an evil as fin is, thould be fo fuitabie to thyheart; that there thould bea- nie luitab`ienels; between thy heart, atad fo great an evil as fin is : yea, note that thou haft a verse curled heart, that fliould be fuitable to that which is fo evil ; a verie poyfono . heart, that there fhonld be fo much agreement between that which is Co poyforioYus} and the temper of thy heart : True, a toad will take poison, and it is Îuitable to le, it lives upon it,and takes delight in it, as you do in meat and drink.: Now thole that can make Sin their meat and drirík ; as Chriftfaith, It is. meat and dritz to clotheWill ofid, Fa/her; fo it is meat and drink tomanie-uigodly men and women to dowiekedlie. Now here- by thou art declared to be a toad to 6eofa ve"' hemous nature, that halt f'ach a fuit a lel enefs be- tween thyNature and Sin. -Sure 'nothingbut ,venemous toad an delight in poiion : fo no ¿thing but a heart morevenernous and loathfom I-1 h h 2 than