Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

464 he Evil of Evils) Or the than a toad is to the daintiettLadiein the world, to pur a toadshead to their mouth ; I fay, none but fuch a heartcan take delight in a finful and ungodlie way: Suppofe therewere a fuitable- nefsbetween the corrupt humors in thy foul and fin ; yet now thouhaft heard fomuchofthe e- vil of it, it is a curled madnefs in thee to take delight in it,becaufe it is fuitable to thyNature: What cantt thou delight todrink fweet poifon ? becaufe poifon is fweet, and comes to be fuira- blebecaufeof the fweetnefe ? Ifthou know it tobe poifon,and thong poifon, what a madneffe were it in thee, todrink a full draught only be- cattle 'tis fweet ? There is the fame madneffe in all men and women in the world that can take pleafure in fin, becaufe there is fweetnefs in it, and the fuitableneffeofit unto their corrupt na- ture. There is not only difference, but contra rietie between thy heart and a godlie mans; a gödlie man or woman had rather fuller all the torments in the World, than endure that which thou makeft thy chiefJoy. What a contrariety toGod, and the NatureofGod ? what a differ- encebetween the NatureofGod and thee?That which is a burthen to the Spirit of God, is the molt delightful thing in the world to thy fpirit. Yea, what a defperate heart haft thou, that that which murtheredChrift, thou cantt delight in. Certainlie where there is delight and plea- fure in Sin; Sin increafeth infinitelie; there mull be molt defperate increafe ofSin.For asit is with grace, thofe men and women that have gracious hearts, andcorne tomake thewaies of god- 11111111