Exceeding Sinfuinefs' of sin. Jodlinefs their delight once; Oh theygrow up godlinefs; no men and women grow up in godlinefs fo as thefedo that come tomake the aies ofGod theirdelight. Ifypuwould grow (up in grace, make the waies of Godyour de 'light, and then youwill grow in grace. Socon rtrarilie, thofe men and women that come to make anie waies ofSin their delight, and joy of their hearts; they grow up in fin,in a molt dread- ful manner. And be-it knownuntoyou, that according un*o the meafure of your delight in Sin, fo (hall be the bitternefs and torment that yòu Chal indure herafter. As Re.18.7. is id of Babilon, somuch rzs fhe hath elori edher el o much torment give her : So God will fay of all finners, that hath taken pleafure in unrighteoufneífe; So much as you have rejoyced in fin, fo much torment give that foul. Yea, the time will come that God will take as much delight in your de frretion, as you have delighted in finning a- gainfl him. Prov. I. latter end, God will laughat their defiruaion, and mockwhen their fear cometh Is there never a man or woman here in thiscot. gregation that bath committed fin and laughed at it ? or made force others commit fin and laugh at it ? I fpeak to you as in the name of God., Is there not one man or woman whofe Confcience .tels them, I have ftvorn an oath, or told a lye, 'and laughed at it ? made another drunk and laughed at it ? Dolt thou laugh at fin? rejoyce at fn .. take heed, come in quicklie, thou hadH need fall down and mourn bitterlie at Chrif feet ; otherwife certainlie thou art the man or wcmar 4b5