Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

6 The Evil c l Evilf r womanat whefe deítruetwn God will laugha- nother day. It were thywifdom rather to howl andcryout inanguifh of' Spirit, becaufe of Sin, . than to make it matter of jollitie and joy, Let us all take heed-of making our (elves merrie with fin : T emufßnot playwith edge tools : There is a notable place we have Prcv. 26. 18, 19. Ark mad nran, whocallsfirebrands, arrows,anddeath,fo is the titan that deceaves his t;eigf,bor, andfaith, Aininot in Sport ? I befeech yott confider thistext, 'ma- nyof you will cozenand cheat your neighbors,' and when you have done,make a jeft, and mock; of it that you cozened and cheated;: fo what the holie Gholl (peaks to Inch a man; and thi sI Scripture culsout that manand woman whofoe -,. ver theybe that ever deceaved theirneighbor. And afterwards when they c_>me among their cotripanions, laughed at it. As mad men or wo -., men ( mark what the text faith) whocáfksfire- brands, arrows, and death ; fo is theman that deceives his neighbor , and faith, Am I not in port ? and it is but a left, and a matter of no- . thing, and can jeer him, when he hathdone : mirk, this is a madman thatca.fls fire brands, ar- rov.,,s, and death ; Oh that God this day, would ca`} fire brand, and arrows, andevery lent enee of death upon thy heartthat hail been guil tieof; this, andnot bumbled to this day for it Oh it is the focal as I have fl newcd, makes a mock of fin.; What? Cana thou conimjt a wickednefi-e, be { drunk, or unclean, or fi.lt tie,; and then thouaf-i terward go and tell thy companions,, and make; ` a fport, or a mock at fin ? Thou art oneof the - fools;