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Exceeding sin inel ofSin. 467 _ á foots in tfrael, and God this day calls fhame in thy face; thou ha ,I that/let-aft it:r thy face even by the -Al ightie this day out of his Word. CertainlieF.rethren, if we underffand what the evil of Sin i, when we are in any company, where men and women be never fo merry; if therewere but one wt ilful fin committedamong them, anie one apparent tiny it were enough to damp all the joy that day ; and indeed it fhould be fo. We readeof David whenhe carried the Ark, a gracious work, and there was but one ~fin committed, in touching the Ark unadvifedly- and it damped all the joy. And certainlie, it was the fin fromwhich there was more eaufe of damping the joy, than from the punifhrnent; for there was more evil in the fin , than in the punifhment: Now you thail have many men and women in tnerrie Meettings,andCompanie,they bemerry, and eat, and drink, and laugh : well, but abundance of fin is committed in theConi- panie, but not one whit dampt all that day; but cangoon in their mirth, and tales,and laughing;. go on as freelie and ruffle,as if therewereno tin committed: Fe it known-to you this day from the Lord , any ofyou that have been in anie Companie, merrie and `jollie, and yet fin bath beencommitted beforeyour eyes, and youhave heard it with your ears ? if it have not dampr your joy and mirth; know your hearts be not right with God ;and it is a tign your hearts have been vile, curled hearts, that when you have feen fin committed in your companie, vet you cangoonwith joy:, Suppofe in yot,r -com *ant in