Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils, or the in the tnidt ofyour mirth, one takes a knifeand cabs himtèlf into the heart; would not this, damp your joy ? wouldyou goon inyour mirth still ? would not all your joy be gone ? when you be in companie and hear one (wear, if you had eyes you would fee them even tab them (elves to theheart : and there is more Evil in this, than in theother; andyet you can go on in yourjoy and mirth, though finceyou fate down there bathbeen fortieoaths fwbrn there. We reade in the 2 sam. 13 29. at the feat ofDavids Sons, Abfafers invitingofAmnon to dinner, Abfa-, lone bids his fervants, whem Amnon was metrie, to ftrike him to thewall ; and they did fo : and then every oneof theKing's Sons gat up , and all their mirthwas done, though theywere very merrie before. So ifyour hearts be r ght when you are in companie, and hear one fwear, or blafphemeGods Name, or fpeak againft Reli gion, it would be as much as if one were flab'd in the room, all the mirthofthat daywould be gone if your hearts were right. And do not think this too ftrift,that fin committed by others ft;ould damp your joy : Certairlie, the thing is molt reafonable, and apparent as po%bly can be, to convince anie mansConfcience, that under- 'hinds what theEvil of Sin means : and yet ma- ny of you have not onlie continued your joy, but have been joyful and jocund, the rather by caule fin is committed in the companic. As fup pofe onemake a jet upon Religion , and (corn Profeflion,you laugh with them,andmake mer rie with them. Whenone makesa lye upon Re- ligion, a.