Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceel ing Ssn,fulneJl ofSin. legion, youcan laugh andbe merrie Oh cer- tainlie, if you have anie Confcience at all, you cannot but be this day convincedof horrible fin againít God. Suppofe thou wert inmerrie corn panie, and thou fhouldeft hear of a certain,that tydings income, that thy Ship is cafta way , and that thou haft loft all that ever thoudidit ven- ture in that Ship, wouldeft not thou give over wouldit thou go on ? wouldft not thou fay it is time for meto be gone now? and dofi thounot account more thehazardof thy own. foul ? and the foul of thy brother? than of thy Goods? Certainlie, thy heart cannot be right with God. Ch ! takeheed than in your merrie Meettings we do not de.ie but men and womenmay be boyful, and eate, and drink together, and de- light themfelves in the Creature, but it muft be fo, that it muftbe without apparent fin : I know there will be natural infirmities in anie aLion but I fpeak of open andapparent wickednefle ;' joy muft not be when there is apparent wicked- neffe. You think godlie people are not fOr So- cietie and good-fellowfhip; indeed youcannot expe6t they fhould be joyful and merrie , but that they fhould rather be r.elancholly and hea vie, and fad in. yourcompanie, when they fee fo many fins committed there what would you have them- merrie when they fee the cotnpanie inbrue their hands in their fathers bloods?would you have theSon merrie , when the com,panie. imbrue their hand.in his Fathers Wood ? Cer- tainlie everiegofi iexï in orwoman when they come in companie,and fee fo manic fins commit- `' Ii {. ted,