`..`.:-_,.__ 470 The Evil ofEvils Or the *This was Preach- edat Stepney the 26, vfFe- brnary. red, they do anuallie and reallie feeyou flab and imbrue Your hands in Gods blood : when you rejoyce inthe t. ord, they can be as merrie and joyful as anieof you all and have fweet comfort inyour companie ; but not when fin is there committed. Manie ofyou when youhave been inmerrie companie, when you are gone you ran report , Oh we were today in fuch a place, and we had fuch merrie companie, it would do ones heart good to be among them ; we were fomerrie and jocund, we had a brave time. Well, but was thereno apparent wicked- neffe"committed in your companie? never an oath fworn ? noexcefs in the Creature indrink- ing ? no ribaldry talking ? you never think of that, as if thatwerenothingat all, itdidnot a- batethe leafs of thy joy : Certainlie thy heart is not right, thou knowft not what fin means, thou mull know it after another manner. One Particular more, becaufe tis ufeful, and thefe * merry times are molt pleàfing among the yonger people, whenthey come abroad incom- pany,theywill makea fport of fin; and think no- thing of it. I will apply one text of Scripture to that fport of yong men, when they feek to make oneanotherdrunk, or fwear, and fpeak wickedlie, and rejoice in it : 'tis juft like that fport, 2 Sam.14. Abner faith to 7oab, Let theyong menarrfeandplay beforew: andobferve what play this was then there arofe and went over twelve men of Benjamine, which pertained to Ifhbotheth the sonof Saul, and twelveofthefervants ofDavid, and tbeycanght every onehisfellow by thehead i and thrnß his 4.-