Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnef? ofSin. 47 hisfroord in his fellowsfide, f o theyfilldown together : and this was theirplay. So it is withyong men, many times when they come into comprnie Yong prophane men, they come to play, and make fport, but it is in the furtherance of Sin one inanother; and theydobut as it were take the fwordand thruft it in one anothersbowels, andwhat in them lies,to be their ruine andeter- nal deftru1ion for ever. 0.4344444+44F3141314ZSO clev¢ b 441)04.0gM414itclf4V CHAP. LIX. Life 8. If there befo muchEvil inSin, than every foul is to behumbledforfin. life V I I I. I F there be fomuch Evil in fin as you have heard, Hence the ConMeration of what bath been delivered,fhould caufeal your hearts tobe humbled for the finsyour Confc.iences tels you, you be guilty of : not 'onlie thofe that are fo full of fin, but everie womans Child hath caufe to apply what hathbeenPaid, and to be humbled in their foulsbefore the Lord for that woful guilt they have brought upon them- felvs. And now I fpeak toevery foul,for there is none here but have much fin,thevbe guiltie of NowOh t-hou firner whofoever thou art charge Iii ^ upon