472 7he Evil ofEvils, Or the upon thy lout what thou remembereft concer- ning the evil of tin, charge it upon thy own heart, labor to bring it with power upon thy own fpirit; bring thy fin with all theaggravati- ons ofit that phfl'ihie thou canft, and lay it upon thy heart, and labor to burden thy heart, to make thy fpirit fentible ofit : open thy confci- ence, and let inall thefe Truths thouhaft heard, fufl'er theLaw to comewith power, and though it doth flay thee (as Paul faith, when the Law came, fin revived, and I died) though it flay thy foul open thy bofom, and let it come : go to theverte pits brink that fin endeavors toplunge foul and bodie ineternallie ; be willing to go to the pits brink, and fee what there is in the verie pits brink, andupbraid thine ownheart for the hardnefs of it, and think with thy felf thus, Lord, what a heart have I ? I can be troubled for everie little lofs and affli&ion, but Oh the hardnefsofmyheart,for fin I cannot be afleí`ted, it yeilds and flirs not; for aniepettie lofs, or. if anie crofs me, what a dif urbance is there in my fpirit then ? but little or nothing for my fin; Oh what íha1l becomeofthis heart ofmine ? what thall I dowith this heart ofmine, thus hardened from the fear of the Lord ? what ? wil fin bring confufion uponthe whol Creation ? what (hail then become ofmy foul, if ever I come toan- fwer for my fin my felf ? Certainlie my Bre- thren, God muff have glorie, and therefore we mutt be humbled for Sin,feeing there is fomuch evil in it : it cannot pofftbly be, but that God muff expe& to fee all his. poor Creatures that have