Exceeding Sinfulnefl of Sin. have been fo gui!tie, to lie down abafed, and humbled, as poor; wretched, miferable, forlorn undoneCreatures by reafonoffin. It is a migh- tiedithonor to God that ever we have finned thus againft him, as wehave done : but that we thould not be fenfibleofit; this adsas great dif- honor unto God as the former Sin did. When a man or a woman commits Sin, they dithonor God in that ; but beingnot fenfible of it after ~committed, is a greater dithonor to God than the commitlion of it was : andthe longer theycon- tinue unfenfible of their fin, themore defperate their Sin againll God grows : for if thou halt not anie fence of Sin, but goefl on , in a little time thoumaielt come to be paft feeling, as the Scripture bath the Phrafe, being pall feeling :. Somanie men and women, firti they begin not tobe troubled for fin, and put it off; at length they come to be pall feeling, and ifthy heart be unfenfible of the evil ofit, theta fin grows excee- dingly ; So faith the Scripture, Being paftfeeling theygive up themf lies withgreedinef to alllafciviouf- nef, andwantenneF. What is the reafonmen and women give up their fouls to fin, to lafciviouf nefs and wantonnefs with greedinefs ? Becaufe they be pall feeling. Oh the hardnefs of the heart in Sin; the (lone in the heart, is worfe than the ílone in the bladder. obje.. But you will fay, 7fI labor to bring the weight of f n upon nyfoul, you have told u-r there is fo much evilin f n, that if-Godfhouldabut bring, andfet it uponmy heart, it w uldfin&my heart, andbring me to deffair ; wehadneed labor to pat o ffthe weight and burden goolice.e.onanerwen 473