Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Shifu_nefl' of Sin. tertain thofe meditations, that may work the weight ofSinupon your own fouls. Now it is juftwith God, when he [hall come and force the weight offin.upon you, and lay the burden,ofit upon your fpirits, then to let you fink under the burdenof it, for God to behold y ou fweltring under the burdenof it without pittie and corn- pafiion 5 and your own Confcience will be rea- die to tell you-fo 5 yea, now the weight ofSin is uponme, but is forced whether I will or no now Godmay j u{ilie let it lie : This is a fad and afinking thought ; and if anie thing let fin lie upon the foul, that it {ball never be purged, it will be this ; When the Spirit would have brought Sin in the weight of it uponmy Confci- ence, I put it off, and now God puts it upon me, and therefore it troubles me thus. Therefore be willing tobe humbled, and know, ifyou be willing, fefus Chrilt is appointed for that end to raite youup; and there is as muchpower in the Gof el to raiteyour heart, as there is in fin to prefs down your heart, if you be rightlie bur- dened with it. i2H****** ******-ititit CH-1 P. 7kit***Stia**$124442ttl2H 475