Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

. 476 The Evil of Evils, Cr the nä. nG. Rba of. Trc`aG c °`Ì* 3%1F421171' Ap CHAP. LX. Ufe 9 iftherebe(o much evilin/in, thisfliouldbea loud cry tojtop men, andturn them f omfin. Life IX. Nother Ufe is this, if therebe fo much evil in Sin, Then the conficeration and meditati n o all thathath beenfaid, Auldbe a mighty cry unto all, toturn back, andflop in the :apes offin : Oh thou Sinner,whofoever thou art, in whatfoever place' oftheCongregation thou art; Godbathbrought theeby his providence to hear or reade thefe Sermons concerning the evil ofSin 5 know that all thefe Sermons that have beenpreached unto thee;they be all butas one loud,loud crie to thy foul, flop, flop;: Oh Sinner in thy finful courfes, flophere, turn, turn ; Ch Sinner out of thy fin- ful waies, turn, turn, why wilt thoudie ? why wilt thoudie ? Oh wretched, finful foul, thou art loll, curled, undone, and wilt perifh eternal- ly in thatway thou art in; turn,turn,while thou haft time: God cries, his Word cries, his Mini fiers cries; Confcience cries, all thofe that have known what the evil cffn means, cry to thee, unlefs thouwilt defiroy thy felf, undo thy fell eternallie, flop in that.wav, for it is a dangerous ¶efperateway thougoefi in, the verie road way