Exceeding Sinfulneßof Sin. 477 to theChambers ofeternal Death. As ever thou wouldeft be willing God fhall hear thy crie up- on thy lick bed, in theanguifhof thyfoul; thou wilt then crie, now Lord have rnercie upon a poor, wretched, finful foul : Thou wouldefl be lad (1fay) that the Lordfhould hear thycrie pon thy fick bed, and death bed : Now then, Ls ever you would have God hear your cries when you are in the greatefi anguifh ofyour foulsupon your fick bed, and fl-!e, death before you, be wiling to hear thecrie ofGod to your fouls at thiprefent : and know, ff yc,.7. donot hear the crle of God that cries to you., to- flop you in finful wales; then thefe verge words 1 have fpoken toyou at thisprefent, may comein yourmind, when youcrie for mercie I andthen youmay think, Oh wretch, now I crie to God for mercy, but do I not remember fuch a time? was there not a loud crie inmyEars andConfci ence, asfrom God, that I fhould flop inmy finful wales and courfes ? and was not I then charged asin the'NameofGod, and as ever ;I :expected God fhouldhear my crie in fuch a time, that J fhould hearhisvoyce ? Oh it will be dreadful for you to.hear;fuch a voyce as this, 13ecaufe yon wouldnot hear me, tf?.erforeTwill not;hearyen. Then- fore behold, .I crie again in the Name`ofGods flop, flop; turn thee, Oh-finful foul ; alas ! whe- ther art thou going ? fromGod, fromComfort, from Life, fromHappinefs, from all good what íoever, thou art going 1 ; ,I call Heaven and Earthto record, that thefe things that I have de- livered to youconcerning the evil offin,, are the Kk k Truths i