Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

478 Zhe Evil of Evils , Cr the Truths of God; and have been the Truths of God.: And certainlie what I have delivered,and' you read, concerning the evil offin, itwill come and rife up one day againft everie finful man and woman that dothgo on in anie known way ofSin; and it will prove as fcalding lead in the Confcience : Everie Truth thouha}heard, and everieChapter thou haft read; concerning the evil ofSin, I fay, if yet thou goefton in any one knownway ofSin, it will oneday be as fcalding lead inthy Confcience ; the droppingof fcal- ding lead in the eyes ofa man, will not be more terrible tohim, than the droppings in of there Truths will be in thyConfcience anotherday: Now it will be a fadthing, my Brethren, ifGod fhould fendme amongft you byhis Providence, onlie to aggravateanie ofyour Condemnations: God forbid, therefhould be thisErrent fent a- mongft you, that anieofhis Meffengers fhould befent for this end, toaggravate your condem- nation : this isthat which is the prayers of my foul, that this maynot be the Errent T am lent for, ifpoflible; not toPeal the condemnationof anie one foul : But this I know, except there be great reformation among manie, certainlie theeerie ErrandGod intended in the conclufi- on (though I do not fay that is the primarie, and firft end, but it is that which will prove fo in theconclufion) through the ftubbornnefs of thehearts offinners, that will prove the Aggra- vation oftheir condemnation. Wherefore yet let me labor with your fouls; who knows whe- ther anieofyou-Mall hear me preach anie one Sermon