Exceeding Sinfulnefr ofSin. 479 Sermon more ? whether everGod will call af- ter you anymore ? to ftopor turn in the waies of Sin? whether ever you [hall hear the Word more ? Perhaps God will fear your confcience, and fay to him that is filthie, let him be fìlthe. God now fpeaks toyou, and cries after you, if youharden your hearts now, it is more than Angels or men know, whether ever you will have,one crie more. Therefore let me abide here ; tell meOh Sinner what is it thou getteft inwaies of fin that thou wilt dwel here ?_ what isit the world hath to draw thy heart from the Itrength of all thefe Truths delivered in there Sermons ? Sure it mull be forne mightie thing when fuckTruths as thefe, backed with Argu- ments from Scripture, flrength of Reafon (as all therebe) cannot refirain thee. Sure it muli be fotne wonderful thing, that muff over bal- lance all there Sermons, and all there things : what haft thou Rich a heart, that is fet upon any finfúl way, anie fecret hant of Sin, that thou fin- dell fuch good in it ? that by it all there Truths are over ballanced? Certainlie there is no fuch good in theworld, ifall Creatures in the world thould joyn together, to give,fome comfort to ballance thefe Truths delivered concerning the evil offin, all theCreatures in Heavenand Earth couldnot give fuch things as would ballance it. Therefore certainliethouart deceived ; there- forereturn, return, Oh Shulamite , return, re- turn. Oh that the Truths delivered in this Point, might be as that fudden amazing Ligh` thatcame to sàrwl,whenhewas going on in cour Kkk 2 fes , __