Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

486 A he Evil of Evils, Or the fes ofSin, Ads, 9. there was an amazing Light came and flopt Saul in his courfe. Oh that G; would caufe the light of thefe glorious Trut s deliveredconcerning this Argument, tobe as an amazing light to thy foul, to flop you in the waies ofSin. ObjeF. Oh but you wiIl fay, We cannot flop, youput that upon our power; that Godmujldo. Anftr. z Firfl, For that aft ( I have told you) what powerGod gives, though you have none ofyour own ; God gives power for the bare outwardall; and, donot fayyou cannot do this you know what convincements youhave hadof that, therefore fay no more you cannot : And though you cannot, yet God ufeth to convey power through the Word, while God calls up- onSingers to flopand mend, Gods way is then to conveypower: But in the mean time though therebe no lavingwork ofgrace come in ; yet thusmuch by an ordinarie and common work ofGods Spirit maybe done, God may caufe a Sinner to refolve whatfoever come of it, that way offin I dwelt in, I will never meddlewith- al; and fo there may be a fequefiration of the heart from fin, though not a full pofleflion of Gods Spirit come into the foul. As thus, It is many times with God and. the Sinner, as with than and man ; Aman indebt, and not able to pay, an Arrefl comes on his Goods, and there is a Sequefiration.oftheGoods, but foas they are to lie Mother tens hands ; fo as though they be not quite takenaway from the Debtor, yet they beout ofhis power, he canhave no ufeof them