i rece .,S infuIneß' of Sin. 481 ,, or thepreferir,til the debt is paid, but who- ever wil come 8 pay thedebt,he fhal have the foods. So wth the heart,when the finer comes to ventureon Chrifi for pardonoffin;the inner fe- eth I cannot over-rule my felf,fanetifie myheart, oF,er' ': me my lulls; however, God fequef}ers the heart for theprefent fo far from them, that I will notgo on in thefe waiesagain , I will not followthat Company again ; there is a forbear- anLeofthofe as of Sin; that though the heart no.:.'`;I.not fatifie it felf; yet it lies thus before the Lord, Oh Lord, do thoupardon, do thou comein, andOh, let ,Chrifi pay the debt for my Sin, and let him takepoffeflion ofmy heart,but in themean time, Satan (hall not ufe it, as be- fore; and the waies of Sin, thofe grofs wales I will forbear, though I die for it : I will rather fit ítill all my daies and never fir offmy feat, than go to fuch wicked Companie ; and I will rather ,never open my mouth again, than fwear, and fpeak fo filthilie; but Oh Lord, do thou dif- charge my foul,and take it to thy felf : and then comes in a fandifyingworkofGod, to fanc`rifie the foul,and fave it. But Oh !that I might pre- vail thus far, That there might be butaSegue- ffration of theSoul from fin this day ; though ,Sanaificationmite not in, though the holy Ghoft come not to rule in thy Soul; yet that theremight be aSequeftration, that the heart might come and liedown, and fay, Lord, come thou in, and takePoffefhion; but for thofe de ,lights andcontents, I took in finbefore ; I am refolved, though I°perifh for ever I will not go on