Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

4 2 The Evil o fEvil or the on in them hereafter. Here would be a. good, flop in the waies of fin , for a man that goes in a dangerous way, he .mutt make a flop before he turns, and confider, Oh ì ord, where am I? and whether am I a going ? and is this my way? and then he turns. Now this I endeavor, if poilible, to make a flop in finful waies ; thatyou might confider, Oh Lord, wheream I ? what am I a doing? what will become of' me ? Oh ! that you might go away with fuch thoughts in your boforns. And theft followes thenext. A:AAAAAAAAAA l W4Wii404WWWWWWW4WWiffiVi* CHAP LXI. LI fe Io, & r I. _ If there befomuch Evil inSin thin turn to Chrifi~, andblef? God for ChrUl. Life X. O labor to drive your hearts to Chrift ; Oh then flie to Chrift Here you have revealed toTon that which one would think would terrifie the hearts of men andwomen , andmake them flie to Chrift. One would think that revealed con- cerning the Evil of Sin, ahol make heaven ring with cries to God for Chrift; , Oh! tone but Chrift, none but Chrift 5 what would be- come of all your fouls, if it were not for ?èfus Chrift ? were it not for that glorious Mediator rent to be a Propitiation for fin, and to tn4ke anAttonement to theFather for Sin. Chrift is fet