Exceeding Sinfxlnefs' of Sin. 483 let up as that Braten Serpent) that al thole flung inConfcience with the venom and poifon offin, might look up to theBralen Serpent andbe fa- ved. Is thereanie foul that by all I have faid, ofthe Evil of Sin, finds it felf flung with the poifonof Sin ? Know Chrifi is that Bralen Ser- pent that is let up for thee to look upon. If thou findSin , as the avenger of blood purCue thee, Ohnow run toChrifl. If thy heart burn, and fcorch in the apprehenfionsof fin; as the Hart brays after the water brooks, fo let thy heart bray after Chrifr, there are cooling and refrefhing waters : then indeed, Thal that I have delivered, be ufeful for the foulsof poor crea- tures. When the Soul hath been before the Lord; crying mightilie to heaven for pardon, and part in Jefus Chri(t, if fo he after I'have Preached all thefeSermons, if God (hall hear of Souls, getting alone in their clofets, and cry ingout, OhLord, I never underflood what the meaningofSin was; Oh what a wretched crea- ture have I beensall my daies ? now Lord, ex cept thouhavemerciein thySon, in themedia- tion of Jefus Chrifl', thropgh his - blood, his heart blood that was 'filed for fmnérs; I'am a left and undone Creature for: ever Oh Lord, that wth is done cannever beundone; Oh Lord, let me find favor in thy Son, here ,I am, do with me whatfneverthou pleafe, onlie a pardon; a: pardon in Jefus Chrifl, to deliver me from the guilt, and uncleanefs of myfin. Yea, nowwill God fayhere isfotnewhat done, when fanners cries come up toheaven; what hathbeen doing in