484 The Evil of Evils, er the in this Congregation ? what is the matteryou come crying for Chriff ? hetetoloreyour hearts were never furred after Chriff, what is themat_. ter? why ffiryou fo? who bath toldyou anie thing ? As God raid to Adam, when Godcalled, and he hidhimfelf,when hecomes out,he faith) Imay afraid becaufe I rvras naked : faith God, Who toldyou thatyou were naked? So when poor fouls cry to heaven for Chrifl, God may fay to the poor foul, Why ? what isthe matter ? whobath told thee any thing ? As Chrift Paid to the Pha- rifees, Whobathforwarned you toflyfrom thewrath to come? SoGod will fay, Why ? what is the mat ter? who told youthis ? I hope fomepoor foul will haveexperience of this, when you go to pray for Chriff, and you Thall Pray after ano- ther manner than formerlie,when your Prayers' (hall be, even cries to heaven; when God fhall fay, Why ? what is thematter ? why cry you more than before ? I hopeTome poor fouls, can give a good account of it and fay, I fee my felf loft and undone without; Chrifl; better be a Dog , or a Toad, or anie thing, thana man, if I have not Chrift; becaufe they are not capable of fin, and myhear`t is full of fin and I have heard the evil of it, and therefore Ohgive me Chrift or I am undone : Oh ? fuch a Soulwill be exceeding acceptable unto God. And therefore, to fuch a foul, I propound in the name of the Lord) theDafrine of Life, and Salvation, and Peace; be it known therefore to you, God the, Father, looking upon the finful Children of men) and feeing them all in a perifhing conditi- on