Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulnefs' ofSin. 4 on by Sin, out of infinite bowels of tender com- paííion, hebath provideda glorious wayof Me diction, of Propifiatiòn for Sin; and to that end he hath fent hisonlie beloved Son, out o his bofom, that hath taken mansNatureupon him, united in a perfonal union, to that end that he might be a fit Mediator to [land between a provokedGod and finful fouls ;and this Christ bath born the full vials of the wrathof his Fa: ther, thecurfe of theLaw due to fin; fatisfied infinite divine Jutiice, made a full Attonement betweenGod and finful man. Onlie upon thefe termsnow, he loth tender and offer to everie poor wearieddiftreífed foul,al that his Son bath purchafed byhis blood, all his merits, that they might be an attonement for thy fin, a Propifiia- tion for thy foul, to difchaxge all thy fin, that thou mightelt come through him to (land aä- quitedbeforethe father for ever more. Tits, is the fumof the Gofpel, and this I prefentand Preach it, and offer it to you, and this noronlie to the leaft tanner, but to the greateft inner in the world, this I prefent,as in thename of God, that is the menage wehave in the naveof God to deliver untoyou; and now what beyeryour finshave been heretofore, God onlie requires thatyour fouls fhould now{land Admiring at the infinite riches ofhis Grace in his Son, and that your fouls {could be taken if from the Crew tute, and Sin, and .live.upen Christ, furrender your fouls tohim,, andcaftyour fouls on that in- finite rich grace of God in him, and upon that inflant, every one ofyour fins, thoughnever fo L I 1 great