g..,.__.. 486 The Evil of Evils, or the great and hainous, yet l pronounce in the Name of the Lord, evcrie one of them is pardoned, and all done away, as if they had never been committed, This is the Sumof the Gofpel un- to thofe that come to fee their Sins, and be fen fible oftheir needofChrifiby their Sin. ohjec`l. but you will fay, This makes allyou have done, but a little matter; ifSinmay be clone away thus, what needallthis drf aovery ofthe evil ofSin :? it is mat fogreat an evil, i f it maybe thus wafh't away ? Anfw. Ahpoor carnal heart,that fpeaks thus.! Is this alight or little matter ? True, it is in a fewwords, in theend ofa Sermon ; but be it known to you, There is more in thefe words I have fpake in this lait halfquarter ofan hour, there is more of the glorie ofGal in them, than inHeavenand Earth betide; not becaufe they c )mefromme, but becaufe I have fpoken that vich is the Sum of the Gofpel ; and intruth, in cneSentence of'the Gofpel, there is moreof thegone ofGod, than in all Heaven andEarth betide, You muff be convinced ofthis, and know iris fo ; and ifever you come tobe par- takers othe goodofthe Gofpel, you will fee it to be fo. Oh Brethren ! in that I have faid, there is tilt glorious Myfierie of Godlinefs; great is theMçfterie ofGodlinefs, God rnanifeff in the flefh; the great Counfel ofGod, working from all.Eternitte, is in this, in the Sumof the Gofpel. Thegreateft work that ever God did,.,' was in fendinghis Son, and in the offer of his Son toSinners-that their fins might be pardoned. Therefore think it not a final, thing, and hear .' when,