Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfulneß of Sin. 4 , when 1 call upon Sinners to come and call their foulsupon Chrift. It is one of the glorioufeft works that ever was done, for a finful foul to; come and clofe withChrift the Mediator; and ifonce youcome in,your heartswill be fo full of thegloríeofGod, that prefentlieall the glorie . oftheCreature will be darkned in your eyes, and you will be fo filled with theglorie of God, that you wil come to fee the fiithinefs ofSin this way as much as in anie way. All the Sermons 1 havedelivered concerning the evil of fin, will not fet out the filthinefs of Sin to you, ' as that !, glorie of God that your hearts will be filled withal, as foon as you cometo dolewith God in this Myfterie of the Gofpel. Perhaps it is not fo apparant to everie foul ; but wait a while, :1 and there will more ofthe evil of fin be difco- vered in this, than in anie way. vfe X I. And then theLife that I flail make of it is this, If there be fuch evil in fin, then biers, biefs God for Chrift ; Meltedk that tan and woman wholefin ispardoned, Pfalm 3 2..Ohbleffed is he whofe fin.isforgiven. Certainly it is a blef- fed thing, that fin fhould be forgiven; this re- quires a whol Sermon by it felf :. í fhall but name it now, becaufe I íha1 (it maybe) here- after fpeak of this particularly , of the great hleffednefs ofthe Pardon ofSin, .onlie takeno- ticeofit; any that path a comfortable affurance of their fin beingpardoned, go away rejoycing, Son, Daughter, rejoyce,your fins are pardoned : there is enough in that word to bring comfort andjoy to your fouls. L11 2 frHAP. 8