Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

e The Evil ofEvils, Or the é``.,Pe?e? et; .L.a 1: ` f ?, ` 4L.' VIZ Säâ®i . àsZe 'S®eî CHAP. LXII. Üfe 12 Iftherebefomuchevil infin, then it is . of great concernment tobe Religious betimes, and there byprevent much Life X I I . f Gain , One Ufe more. If there be fuch evil in Sin, Then it is ofgreat ufe tobe- gin to be Godlie and Religious betimes, for yongones to come to begodlie betimes : 'why ? Becaufetheymay come toprevent fo much evil and fo muchSin. Oh happie thofe- that begin tobe godliewhenyong ; you prevent a thöu- fand fins, that others commit by their not know- ing fin betimes. True, if there were no other ufe of Godlinefs, than meerlie to bring you to Heaven, then you might flay till your lick and death beds, and then be Religious, it wereenough: but beûdes bringing you toHea- ven, there is ufeof Godlinefs tokeep you away fromSin and Ungodlinefs ; andthere is enough in that to countervail anie pleafure : fuppofe youyong people abflain from fome pleafure, or joy that others have; the truth is you have greaterandbetterpleafures; but fuppofe you hadnone but keeping of' your fouls from fin, thismeerlie were enough to countervail what- foever