Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding sinjulnef ofSin. 489 foever you fuller in the waies of God. There are manie converted when they were old, and what would thefegive for tobe delivered from the guilt of force fins committed when they were yong ? When they look back to their lives, Oh this fin I committed in fuch a familie, andwhen I was an Apprentice in fuch a place; Oh that I were delivered from them ! Oh they lie upon my heart ! Oh that vanitie and wic- kednefs ! Oh thofeoaths I fwore in fuch a cotn- panie, among yong men ! Oh, thofe Sabbaths. I brake ! Oh thofe lyes I told, andthe drunken- neffe I was drawn to ! Oh I cannot look back to thefe, but my thinks I could even tear myheart from my bellie, to think what a heart I had, to finagainft God, and multiplie Sin a gainft Him. Thus at the bell', when God awa- kens their hearts, theywould give ten thoufand worlds to be delivered from, the Sins of their Youth : And therefore now, you yong ones, teeing there is fúch evil in Sin, Oh prevent it You know how theSins ofYouth lay upon Da- vid, Remember not againfi me the fins ofmy youth thereforenowprevent thofeSins that otherwife will lie foheavilie upon you, as that you will be forced tocrieout, Oh remember not against me, theSins ofmy Youth: Oh it is a happie thingto fee yongones good; and it is the grea- tefl hope that God will thewmercie to England, in that God begins to draw yong ones on in the waies ofGodlinefs, fo that we hope there will not be fo manie Sins committed in the Age to come. We havecriedout of the Sins of yong ones