Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

4 90 The Evil of ivils, or the ones;: and one Generation that hath followed another, bath been but like the Kennel, the lo- wer and furtherit goeth, themore filth it bath gathered; and fo the lower Generations have gone, the more filthie they have been. But we hope God intends to turn the courfe, and to make Godlinefs as much honored, as it bath been dithonored heretofore, and that there fhouldnot be fo much Sin in the next Generati- on. Heretofore yong people when they had daiesofliecreation, what did they but multi- plie Sin ? what abundance of wickednefs ;`vas committed by Youththen ?. and on shrive-Tueff daies, abundance ofwickednefs committed by Youth then; and fo the Generation was filled withSinsofYouth. But now God is pleafed to Ihr up thehearts of yong ones, that inftead of multiplyingof Sin, they begot together on fuch daies, toFait, and toPray, and make daies to attendupon the Word, and fo avoidSin : It is that certainlie, that Both encourage the hearts ofGods People to pray to him, and toPeek him for mercie, that God giveshearts to yong peo- ple that they multiplie not Sin as heretofore. Ifthere be anie here that have begun this, Oh goon in that way, and when others multiplie wickednefs upon fuch daies, get alone, and t tend upon the Word, and recreate your Souls. in the Nord, and holie conference : true, God` gives libertie to recreate, but let it he as it was wont to be with the Companies in L, mien) though theydid recreate,theywould have their`. Sermons too. So in(leadofhorrible wickednefsE that