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Exceeding Sir ofSin. -vac wont to beuponthofedaies, as I fup- , fome ofyou can remember ; upon Shrove- ,fiefdaer infinite wickedneffes was committed in the Citie, and thereabouts; we hope initeadof wickednefs, and joyning together in wicked- ners , there will be joyning together in the Waies ofGod : And thus doing, youwil encou- rage us in the Wales of God ; and Peace and Mercie will be uponyou.. 94-i ,;) 0.7.4475,05.A 1f7;-,Vokm. 4,1tikt.:&' .art ,teak.' 4.tgae CHAP. LXIIL Ufe 1 -3. Ifthere befomuch evil in fin, Then its a fearful thing for any to be infirumental to draw others tofin. EE arenow to finifh that Traetate about the greatnefs ofthe evil of Sin : It hath been an Argument that hathmuch encreafed inour hands, like un- to thebread, the Loaves that Chrift did break unto thePeople, that irt theverie breaking did muitiplie 5 and fo hath this Argument done: but we are now to put a period to it. Manie Wesyou knowbath beenmade alreadie, as Co- rollaries andConfequences, from that great Do &rineofthe evil ofSin, that Sin is a greater evil than Afflietion t The laft day the efpecial aim and intentionof theApplication was, Therefore 4 to