492 The Evil of Evils, Cr the todriveSinners toJefusChri(l',feeing there is fo much evil inSin more than in all AffiiCtion : Oh what need have we (who are filch great Sin- ners) of,efusChrift,that is the Propitiation for Sin ? I have only one Note to ad furtheron that, and we (hall proceed; it is an Excellent Expreflion I find in Luther, faith he, There is a great deal ofdifference between the Confequencia Le- gis, and Confequencia Evangelii. There is a Confequence of theLaw, and that is this, Thou haft finned, and therefore thou muff be dam- ned : But the Confequence of the Gofpel is this, Thou haft finned, therefore go to Jefus Chrift; that is the Argument the Gofpel ufes fromSin. But paffing by all wehave Paid con- cerning that Life, we proceed to further Appli- cations that are behind. Four or Five Ufes we are to fpeak of, and then we (ball have done with the Point : I will be brief upon the firft Two or Three, and the Two Iaft we thall flick molt upon. Vie X III. If there be fuck evil in Sin as you have heard, Hence then it is afearful thingfer any one to be inflrunlental todraw others tofin. All that hath been Paid in theopeningof the evil of fin, muffneeds fpeak very terribly unto all that ever have been any way inftruments to drawo- thers to fin in all their lives. Now, Oh that God would (peak to every man and womans Confcience in this Congregation,that are confci- ous to themfelves, that ever they have been any caufe to draw others to fin Is there not one r