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Exceeding S4sfulrreß of Sin. 493 one whofe Confcience preféntly at the naming ofthis Life doth even tell you, well, now God fpeaks to 'me, for certainlie there hath been fome that I havedrawn to fin, that I have been a means -to further fin in. If any one of you have ever been a means, by eounfel, or advife, by approbation, by perfwafion, by encourage- ment, byabetting ofany, by joyning with any inanie finful.courfe todraw themto fin ; know, that God fpeaks to you. Firft, God tells you this ; That if you had been born to do mifchief, you could not do a greater mifchief than This is; if you had been the `means to undo men and women in their outward Eftate, it had been nothing fo much; but thou haftwhat in thee lies, been a means to undoan immortal foul; yea, acid to caufe them to fin agáinfir the infinite 'God ; fo that thou art guiltie ofeverie fin thouhaft been a means todraw others te, and thou art worfe than thofe that have finned ; for thy a& in draw- ing them to it is adreadful evil, and then that which they have done is thine too : Haft not thou fins ofthine own enough to anfwer for be- fore theLord, but thou'muft have the fins of a- nother alto? Doff thou know what thou haft done, in enticing others to find either to un- cleannefs, drunkennefs, to companie keeping, and breach of the Sabbath, andother fins Per- haps thou haft brought them to pilfering and purloining, and many other particulars, and o- ther wales that might be named; for indeed if we fhould enlarge our felves in this Point, it Mmm might