a Evil oj_ .Evils) Or g e might well require a whol Treati e, but we muft contract our thoughts. It may be there are feline in this Congregation, that have beena means to draw, others to flu, and theybe now in Heil at this inflant for that fin thouwert a cafe of. What a fad thing is this for any man or wor- man7..tohave this to lay to heart ; Iknow I have drawn fuch and.fuch,ton, I have been a means (at leak) to further fin in the :5 Hell, theybe dead and gone, and they manifefled no repen- tance before they died, and therfore for ought I know, yea, it is much to be feared that they be now in Hell, and now a tormenting for that verie fin :I was the caufeof,and iftheLord gives me wages according to my works, I m - -uft thi- ther to them : What ? flail they be in Hell for thefit. I brought them to, and e thall I efcape ? is it anie way likelie and probable, but that I muff follow, whenas they be there for the fins I brought them to ? what fhall the Acceflàrie he condemned andexecuted,and that not the Prin- cipal? I am thePrincipal, and the other is but theAcceffarie. Certainly therehad need bea mightie workofhumiliation, for thouart in ex- ceedingdanger that art the caufe ofbringing a- nie other to fin, for it is thatmuff needs lie ex- ceeding heavieupon the foul of anie man and woman ; ifGodnever give you a fight of this great evil, certainlie you perith : but fuppofe Goddogive you the fightoffogreat an evil,and you begin to be humbled; Oh this very medi- tation wil caufe your humiliation to be full of bitternefs, and will caufe it tobevery hard for .. . you