Exceeding Sinfyelre(. of Sin. you to lay hold upon mercie and pardon; when i you thall think thus, Ahwere it for my own fins only Jwere to anfwer for, J might have greater hope; but there be others fins J drew them in- toi-and they becondemned perhaps, and in Hei, and how flall J efcape condemnation my fell? J do not fay that there is an impofhbilitie of pardon, for the Grace of God is infinite, and were it not infinite, it were impoflible for finch a foul to perifli, and thou ( that art the cuufe of it) come to be Paved : J fay, there is a poíhbi- Iitie, but it is as iti-t were through the fire, if e-- v.er thou efcape ; do but thou confider, if it lläudbe, that thou íhouldeftdie in impeniten- d e alto, as the other did, and that thoudideft go to Heil, when you two fhould meet at the day ofJudgment, and he fhould fee thee, the carfe that drewhim to fin, Oh what a grief it . wouldbe tothee, how would he curietheeand tl,e time that ever he law thy face? that ever he lived in that Familie where thou livedit ? It maybe tome Parents have been a means to draw by counfel and advice, theChild to fin ; oh the 1 Child when he fees his Parent at the Day of Judgment; how will he curie the time that e-' ver he carne from filch Loyns ? and fuch a wo- mansWornb ? Oh that rather he had been the of fpring of Dragon, and the generation of a Viper, than from the Loyns offilch a man and woman; you encouragedme to inch and fuch waies offin, tooppofition, and hatred,and fpea- ,, kingevil againft the People of God, the Ser- vants ofGod that wereftriCt in their way ; and Mmm 2 now