496 The Evil ofEvils, Or the now you and 1 mutt perih eternally : fure in Hell they will be readie tocalf fire-brands in one anothers faces that have been the cauleof fin in one another in this world : and fo Hufband and Wife, that lie in one anothers bofoms, if they be the caufc of any fin in one another, it may caulewoful terror to them, and appear worfe than ifa Serpent had lay in their bofom for thole that draw others to fin, do worfe mifchief " than any Serpent or Viper in the world can do. You hadneed look to it betimes (I !hall wind it upwith this oneNote) Whofoever bath been the caufe to draw others to commit any Sin; know this, That the lean that can be required, ifGod do give thee a fight ofthy fin, and to be humbled for it, ifthoudoeft go awayout ofthe prefenceofGod, as having an Arrow darted in- to thy bofom for this, then I fay, goaway with this one Note : You be bound tomakefome reflitutiort inafiritualway as much asycu_can. For thisyou know (I (hewed before) in a mans temporal Elatewhen youhave wronged, you muff make reffitution ; if you will have mercie, youmuff make up thewrong as you are able much more here, when youhave wrong- ed any in their fouls ; a Soul wrong calls for Spiritual Reflitution, as welt as Body wrong, or Effate wrong, calls . for, aBodilie, or.:Effate R.eftitution. Queff. What dojosmean (will you fay) ,by.th.is spiritual Refiitution ? ' _. ,Anfw.