Exceeding Sinfulneff ofSin. 497 Anfw. This I mean, That if thofe be alive that thouhaft drawn to fin, thou art bound to this part of F eftitution ; that is, To go tothem 'and to undo what poffibly thou canit what thou haft done ; and now to tell them of the evil of that tin, and todo them all the good for their Souls that poffiblythou canft; Now to thew to them, how God bath convinced thee, and what the work of God bath beenupon thee,andhow heavie anddreadful finbathbeen made to thee, and tobefeech them for the Lords fake, tolook to themfelVes, and' to confider of their eftates, and to repent ofthat their fin, that you were the caufe tobring them to : And'fo, if there be anie means in the worldwherbie thou canit do good unto their Souls, thou art bound to do it ; yea, to them, their children, their friends, as you are hound tomake reftitution unto the next friends and heirs of" thole that you have wronged in their goods,ifthe partiewronged bedead. Soif thofe thould bedead thou haft drawn to fin,fup- pole when thou waft yong, thou drewe t fuch a man to drunkennefs, ádulterie, or the like, and they bedead and gone ; thou art bound to do good to the fouls oftheirChildren :. for know, according to thenature of the wrong, muff the Refritution be ; One text is obfervable for this, to Phew that according to the nature of the wrong mull the reftitution be to the uttnoft that canbe, Exod. 22.5. If a man (hall caufe'a Field, or Vinyard to be eaten, and(hall pus in Áis Beaf, and fha!l feed inanother mansflea.: ofthe be/i of his own f eld, andoftheheft of his ownvinyard fhúllhe make reffitn- Lion.