Tre F'v4 ofEv,rls, Crti`e non. This is the cope of the holy Ghoft in this 'j. text of Scripture, 1 hat if anie one gall wrong another in hisvinvard, or his geld, he Cuall make re ti.ution : ( and rtak what the text faith) not in anie;tight manner, but of the bat of his field, and vinyard : he mull not fay, I warrant myCane' did not do anyhurt, but eat a littleof the worft, and I will make reftitution of the worii ; no, but mutt make reftitution of the belt of his field and vinyard : he mutt not think to get 'offwith abarren peice of ground, but with the beftmuft he make reftitution. This thews what a'full reftitution God will have. So then if aman hath wrongedhis neighbor in his vine- yard, tis not enough for him to fay, I will make reftitution inmy barrenground; no, but out of his vinyardmuff he make reftitution ; fo if he have wrongedhis neighbor in his field, hemuff not go and fay, i will give a part of the Com- mon, but of the belt of his field muff he make refiitution; fo if he have wronged another in hiseftate; he muff giveofhis elate : and ifthe wrongbe to the foul, the reftitution mutt be to the foul; according to the wrongmuff be the reftitution : And I befeechyou be convincedof this, All the forrow in theworld is not fufficient, without you make reftitution; this is fo cleer out oft word, and even by the light ofnature and ó Confcience ,. that they may eafilie con- vince themfelves , whofoever doubts of the thing ; nothing in religionmorecleer than this is, therefore reflitution is required by Cod of thee, as ever thou wilt expect to find mer cie. This