Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Siftn,'S of' Sin. 't his Argument (if God be pleated to fet it home) will make many men and women, who when they were yong, were ring leaders towic- kednefs to others, Oh how forward would they 'be togoodnow, they would be ring-leaders to good to others now. I pronounce it as in the nameof God, you canhave no affurance of the truth of Repentance, except therebe tome in- deavor in fume degree to be as forward for !God, now as thou haft been in the wt-ies of tin before, if you have been Ring- leaders to the fn of Sabbath breaking, you muff be Ring- leaders to draw others to keep the Sabbath; and if you have been. Ring-leaders toungodli- neffe, youmuffbe forward todraw others to godlinefle. Oh take .heed of this, it isawoful thing to draw others to fin, feeing there is fo much,evil in.fn as thereis. 49 tkititi4V CHA s4gginitiSfitie Wittiet