Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

The Evil of Evils, Or the .1313141.4414;1413ffklsek 44.53444.04,(1-.44.446144 CHAP. LXIV. Ufe i4. If there befo much EvilinSin, than there ought tobe nopleadingforfn. We X I V. t' therebe fomuch Evil in Sin as you have heard, hence then furely there ought to be no pleading for fin ; there is toomuch evil in it for any one in the world toplead for it; tomakea- ny excufe, or anyPlea for it : As if there be a' notorious wickedhoufe where there is much e- vil done in it we account it a great difgrace for any toPlead for it : If it be in Queftion, and a- ny JufiieeofPeaceplead for wickedAle houfes it is a blot to him. Ifthere wereno fincommit- ted in it, it were not much; but if it be a noto- rious !Joule for fn, toPlead for it, is accounted agreat blot. Andnow you that haveheardof the great evil of fin, will you ever open your mouths todeminifh andexcufe'hn ? and yet how ordinarie is this in theworld?"Some go to evil wicked company, and when they (pend their times in drinking; Plead, Why ? theymuff have recreation ? I pray, what work do they tire themfelves withal that needs fo much recreati- on ? what fervice do they do for God wherein they .4,