Exceeding Sinfùlneßof Sin. 501 they fpend their Spirits ? and the firength of their Souls in ferving God, that they need fo much refrething ? And fo when they fpend wholedales indrinkingand eating, why ? they do but rejoice in the ufe of the Creature; and may they not keep Comparue with fuch men that be honell men,? and fo anie kind of fin, wicked ribaldry talking , is butmirth ; and no- torious covetoufnefte, but providing for their Familie 5 andhorrible pride, but handfomnefe; fomwhat they will have to fay, Pleas and Ex- cufes for almoit anie fin. Certainlie brethren, if we underftood the natureof fin, we would fay as yerubael, Let Baal plead for hirrnfelf: So let fin plead for it felf; never be heard to open thy mouth to plead for fin in others, excufe it in o- thers; much Idle in thyfell Thole that be fo full of excufes and pleas for fin, it is an evident argument Godnever difcoveredthe evil of fin yet to thLm ; ' never caufed the weight and bur ;then of fin to lie upon their Confcience, nor what wehavexnentionedof the evil of it. Oh ! know thou haftto deal with the infinite God, it isa matterof thy foul and eternal eftate; and thinknot to put it off with vain pleas and 'ex- cúfes; but fet thy felf in the pretenceof the e- ternal infinite Cod. Indeed if you have to deal with your Mothers, or Friends, you mayput them offwith excufes for fin; but if you would` fet your feWts as intheprefence of Cod, and there fet fin before your eyes, you wouldnot fo eáfilieput it offwith excufes as you do. N_n n C H A