Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

502 The Evil ofEvils, Or the - CWAP. LXV. life 15. If there be fo much' Evil in Sin, Then of all YV DGEMENTS, fpiritual :,,dgements are thegreatefl. Life XV. F there .be.fo muchEvil inSimas I hath beendelivered, then above allyudgementsfJiritualYudgements are thegreatefr. Oh ! what a dreadful thingthen is it forGod to give men or women up to fin, this is -themolt fearful judgement that can be- fal anie manor woman in theworld,except God fhould fend themquick down tohell. Yea, it maybe, ifGod fhould fend them quick down to Hell, and caufeHells mouthto openprefentlie, it would not be fogreat a Judgement as togive themup to fin.And yet this theScripture fpeaks of; much of Gods wrath burning this way ; Godhardened the heart-of Pharaoh, God gives up to.a Reprobate fence; he that wil be filthie, let him be filthie Rill; he gives menup to their.. own Counfels : I might Phew you divers texts of Scripture for this , but there are Two Things in this P OI N ,, that requires large difcufion... z How.can. God'that is fo infinirly good, have_' a hand infin, that have fomuch evil init ? we mutt;