Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

Exceeding Sinfirinefsof Sin. 503 mutt clear God, that he is not theCaufeof fin in anie, but to thew how far Godbatha hand in (in , this would require a long time to open, which I cannot now do. 2 To thew howmuch dreadfulneffe there is in this miferietobe givenup to Sin; to open to you the dreadfulnefïe of fpiritual Judgements will require a long time alto Thereforebe-.' caufe I have refolved to make an endof this at this time, therefore I ,mutt referve there Two things to larger difcution. Only thus for the prefent upon what bath been faid, let this be, the Prayer of everie one of you ; Oh Lord, whatfoever Judgement thou fendeft uponus, usnot up to fpiritual Judgments.; Lord, giveus not up to fin; do not punilb finwith fin; ratherpunith fin with anie Af11iftion than with Sin whenGoddoth come to punith Sin with Sin, the condition of that man or woman is a: very dreadful Condition , beeaure there is fo muchEvilinSin. tlovvvvvtosiong tortt1', Nan 2 CxiA P. 4+14.troo`no`p.....44