504 he.Evil of Evils, Or the l*AAAAWf-A.AMAAAM.s,PA.A.,,, H A v. LXVL We 16. if there be moreEvil in sin than inApai on, Thenwhen-sin andAffliaion meet, they make a wanmoll miferable. OW.we come to the Two laft Lifes 5 we muflinfift a little longer upon hem: efpecially the laff, as having feveral branches. Ufa X V I Therefore if there be more evil inSiit than in Affliaion -Hnee, what a mfirabie audition be theft in, that have both t:efè evilsupon them,and that in a higbdegree. That AffliCtion doth make a man in a very fad and miferable conditi- on, that fence teacheth menand women eve- ry onedothaccount thofemen and women that areunder great afflidions to be under great mi- feries : well, but now you haveheard in there many Sermons, how that there is another Evil, greater thanall Affliftions. Now then, what if both there Evils come together, and concur both together to makea man miferable then he is a miferableman every way. Then he is a miferable man to Sence andReafon ofrnen, to the judgment of theworld s and then he is a miferable man in the judgement of the holy Ghoft too 5 in tae judgment of God, and the Saints,