Exceeding Sinfidnefi of Sin. 505 Saints, in the Judgment of the Word : when both thall come and joyn together to make a man to be miferable, fore thefe be miferable perfons indeed. IfaChïldofGod feea man in affliction, he will not prefently judghim mile- rable, becaufe he doth not know ; it may be he is godlie, if he be godlie, he is not miferable, though he be affli&ed ; but theworld prefently judges himmiferable, becaufe affli?ted : On the other fide, the world judges him not miferable though he be finful, if he be not .afflicted : On the one hand, the godlie man judges that man in million, not miferable, ifnot finful ; on the other hand, theworld judges that man not miferable that is not afflilted, though he be fin fill, But now when both thefe be together in oneman,` as afinful man, fo an at li ted man in ahighdegree; thisall judgmiferie. And what a companie ofmofi miferable wretches have we in thisworld ? howmanie in woful llraits and extremities, for theBodie? in theirefi'ates, for ofbread, for want ofcloaths, in want of houfe, inwantoffire, in want ofall neceffaries that can be; their bodies difeafed, full ofpains, their bodies deformed, their very parts of Na- ture exceeding loathfom, unfit for Service eve ry way, in all outward appearance, for their outward e{fates extreamly miferable; and yet together with this extreamly wicked allo, ex- treamly Inful : go into their houles, there is nothing but beggerie, and miferie there, and there is as much wickednefs and iniquitie, as beggerie and miferie it may be thefe poor Creatures