Burroughs - BT715 B8 1654

, ,7.,, , . , 1,-' 5o6 o,f'Evil.r,Or the Creatures thus miferable , their hearts be full of Atheifin, live without a Cod in the World, know not God, know not Chrifi, know nothing of their IMM o.RTA L SOULS) know nothing of another Life, live juíi like Bruit Creatures, in all ;filthie uncleannefíe; it may be fuller for their wickednefs before merì, are whip't, put in theStocks, or Cage, lie irt darkDungeons,in cold, nakednefs, and hun- ger, and all for their finand wickednefs : what woful Creatures are thefe, and howmany hun- dreds, nay thoufands, have youofthis kind of Creatures in this Stepney, that are fuch objeas of pittie, that me thinks íhould make all your hearts bleed when youconfider them, and how many you have ofthem in this place : were it, I confefs, that the charge ofSouls in this place íhould lie upon me, I íhould think I had work enough todo withfuch poor Creatures as thefe; if I fhould live Methufelah's daies, and íhould make tverie day tobemore hours than twenty four ; yet work enough for all my time; I íhould think _I had little time for any refreíh ment any otherway ; knowinghowmany poor fouls are in fuch a condition that perhaps are not onlie outwardlie miferable, and inwardlie poor; but their outwardmiferie,encreafeth by their inward miferie, the one encreafeth theo- ther : As it is a great evil for fin tobring affli&i- on ; fo a great evil for atlliaion to encreafe fin as, their afflicîion Both ; there affliaion puts them upon fwearing, lying, prophannefs,cozen- ing, keeps them from fan&rifying theSabbath, feldom